Picturing Luck

17 04 2010

plastic wrapped firebricks © 2010 Michael Maurer Smith

Luck, as the saying goes, is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. It also feeds on a good diet of, “what ifs and why nots?

I saw this gift-wrapped beauty—it’s a beauty to my eyes anyway—on one of my recent photo hunts. I often visit a junk heap used by university art students as a source of materials and inspiration for their sculptures, assemblages and paintings. It is a place that offers the ready eye and mind much challenge, opportunity and delight.

On this particular visit I struggled to discern something new and interesting in the visual chaos when by chance I noticed sunlight glinting on some firebricks wrapped in plastic. I instantly knew I had found my subject du jour.

How about you? Do you have a special place you can go where you will always find visual challenge, opportunity and delight—a place that will make you say “why not” and “what if?” If not I encourage you to find one and be prepared for the opportunities it offers.

© 2010 Michael Maurer Smith